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Roughly 36% of people give up on their New Year’s resolutions by week 3. Don’t be one of them! While choosing a resolution is easy, sticking to it can be impossible. Having a workout partner may be just the thing you need to keep you going. Here are the top 3 benefits of exercising with a friend:


1. Accountability

Arguably the most worthwhile reason to have a workout partner is accountability. Workout partners hold each other responsible for going to the gym because they keep each other on track and always reaching for their goals. If both go regularly, they will know whether a workout has been missed.


2. Sharing goals and progress

A workout buddy offers companionship, but also creates a competition that can be extremely helpful when someone needs to push through that extra mile or squat. They also give each other someone to celebrate milestones with. Both members can go out to dinner and feel comfortable getting healthy meals without giving in to temptation.


3. Validation

Many people who are trying to lose weight get discouraged because of the rough weeks where weight doesn’t come off. Workout partners can see each other’s progress from the outside and provide motivation, positive feedback and constructive criticism.


workout buddy


1 hour

A travel fee of $0.70  per mile will be Added for sessions over 20 miles from
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