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We help you create friendships based on cuddling that are pressure free and with no expectation of something more.

Cuddle Buddy started in 2020 with the goal of bringing physical affection to more people without the romantic prerequisites.

The cuddle industry is now booming, and as the inventors of online cuddling, we’re proud to have been part of its conception.


Why It Matters

Cuddling plays such an important role in our well-being - it’s a natural antidepressant, relieves anxiety, and strengthens our immune system. The problem is, we’re not getting enough of it. A major hurdle is that we typically need to be in a relationship first to be afforded the opportunity to cuddle. The greater challenge is that we live in a world focused on social media, and time spent interacting face-to-face has fallen dramatically as a result. That wouldn’t really matter if it weren't for the fact that we have an innate need for physical affection, and an absence of that causes tangible harm to our well-being. We’re tackling this head-on with our own version of social networking, one with the sole purpose of encouraging human contact and improving your health.

Why It Works Online

The concept makes sense but proposing a cuddle-based friendship in person is socially impractical. Typically you’re restricted to approaching people you already know, which leads to a rational fear that your offer could be misinterpreted as a romantic proposition.

The beauty of Cuddle Comfort is that it allows people to come to these arrangements with no hassle or potential damage to existing friendships. Instead, we give you the chance to create new friendships where everyone knows the score.

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